2021 Birth Stats and Outcomes

2021 Birth Stats and Outcomes

Why do I share these numbers? As a culture we love stats, love numbers, and love evidence.

The main reason I share these numbers is to continue to spread far and wide the safety of Orange County midwifery care and birthing at home for low risk pregnancies. Midwives truly are improving birth outcomes! These statistics also hold me accountable to my community, my clients, and my limitations on my license as a health care provider. 

Boys vs Girls goes to the little guys in 2021!

32 planned homebirths in 2021!

This is the last step to meeting each other.
— Positive birth affirmation

Breakdown of transfers of care in labor and the prenatal period.

In 2021 Abundant Blessings Midwifery transferred 3 clients in labor. None were medical emergencies, but all required access to services offered by hospital care. 4 clients pregnancies risked out of homebirth care prior to the start of labor for conditions outside of the scope of licensed midwifery care and homebirth. There were no babies that required transfer of care in the immediate postpartum period.

A transfer of care is not a “failed homebirth”, it’s a wise use of resources.

2021 Saw:

  • Even fewer requests for vaginal exams

  • You all still LOVE water birth

  • A 9% cesarean rate vs our national average (U.S.) of 32%

  • With first degree perineal lacerations ranking least severe of perineal lacerations, these made up the majority of tears that required suturing.

What these numbers don’t show:

The immeasurable strength, determination, grit, emotion, and hours of education behind each and every one of them. Each one of these numbers hold a beautiful and power story.

Tessa Fisher